Caregiver Respite Supports (Adult)

This service provides 1:1 support to adults with developmental disabilities who typically receive most of their support from loved ones (like a parent, or sibling) at home. By entrusting the care and support of their loved ones to skilled providers outside their homes, primary caregivers can experience temporary relief from their responsibilities and daily routines. Caregiver Respite Supports are an integral part of our service delivery as we believe that the best possible support to people with developmental disabilities can happen only when caregivers themselves are well-supported. At CLPS, Respite support is creative, flexible, and responsive to the diverse needs of people supported AND caregivers alike.

Asking for help is hard... we’re here to make it as simple as possible.

Connect with us to find out if you are eligible to receive Caregiver Respite Supports:

Marion David, Supervisor of Support Services.
Phone: 705-746-9330 x 231

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