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Community Living Honoured at Gala

April 29

          MPP Norm Miller, left, and Dean Teasdale from Norbram Group Insurance, fifth from left, present Community Living representaives Lisa Cook, Angelika Distler, Brad Horne, Jo-Anne Demick, Sharon Shewen, Tricia Bain, and Sheri Cox with the Chamber’s Health and Wellness award, Community Living also collected a second award, the Business Involvement […]

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New Community Garden on Booth Street

April 24

It is April and the weather has finally taken a turn towards spring-like temperatures.  By mid-May the ground will be dry and warm enough for the plants to thrive.  It has been a busy off-season and there is a lot of news regarding a new Community Garden at Booth Street, a successful Trillium Grant for […]

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Thinking of Community Gardens on Earth Day 2015

April 21

April 22 is Earth Day, the day celebrated in almost 200 countries worldwide and known as the largest civic and environmental event in the world. Earth Day Canada, a national environmental charity, will be launching Earth Day Everyday, “a national framework helping Canadians to reduce their carbon footprint 20% by 2020”. How can people who […]

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Parry Sound Community Gardens Newsletter

April 2

Spring 2015 Well, it looks like Mother Nature is playing another joke on us again this year as the snow and cold weather linger on.  The good news is that we still have time to purchase our veggie seeds and get them started early.  Hopefully warm weather will arrive in April and by mid-May the […]

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Why I Light It Up Blue Every April

March 24

Hi, A few months after my beautiful son Ricky was born, I began to wonder why he hadn’t started laughing or cooing yet. My family and friends tried to calm my fears. They said nothing was wrong. But I knew there was a bigger reason. That’s when I started doing a little research and discovered […]

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Where are They Now?

March 16

Finding jobs in the community for people with disabilities makes good business sense. Ask the Employers who have hired people through LINC Employment Services if you want testimonials about the value added to their businesses by those hired who have a disability.  Watch this video to learn more.  

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Community Rallies Around “Spread the Word” Campaign

March 13

Mar 13, 2015 Posted by JUSTIN DEPASS, Marketing & Communications Coordinator, CLOntario This past week Kayla Marwick, a community activist and young leader helped to change the minds of many. Kayla with the help of her family, friends and community members, banded together with the goal of raising awareness about the “Spread the Word” campaign. […]

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Supporting Innovative Partnerships

March 3

Community Living Parry Sound in collaboration with ODEN The Ontario Disabilities Employment Network has been approved funding to deliver knowledge sharing events on employment supports for developmental service agencies in the Muskoka, Parry Sound and Nipissing regions. In addtion to sharing best practices and developing capacity, this project will help agencies in developing strategies to […]

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