Overview of Adult Services
Case Management
For planning purposes, CLPS will ensure a team approach to case management. CLPS will assume the lead agency role when multiple agencies are involved. The Community Inclusion and Support Facilitator will provide Service Coordination. Specifically, the role of Community Inclusion and Support Facilitator will be to:
a) Promote and facilitate an inclusion-based approach that links the person to community-based services and supports
b) Promote and facilitate opportunities that connect each person to the community effectively and empower them to advocate on their own behalf and increase their capacity and potential to do so.
To Apply for Adult Services Contact Developmental Services Ontario (DSO)
23 Ball’s Drive, Bracebridge, ON P1L 1T1
1 855 376 6376
The DSO will determine your eligibility for services, assist you in completing an application for services, arrange for a Support Intensity Scale Assessment to be completed, and connect you with supports and services or you will be placed on a waitlist.
For more information about the DSO please visit:
Community Living Parry Sound provides the following services for adults:
Passport: This support is offered to adults who receive direct funding and who choose to have CLPS assist with the management of their funding. CLPS will provide support to help people participate and integrate into the community.
Community Participation: Support is provided so that the person can become more involved within their community. This could include paid or unpaid work, taking courses at the local college, joining a group or club, etc.
Supported Independent Living: This service is offered to people who are living outside of their parental home, or are transitioning out of the parental home. Supports are individualized and can include skill development in the areas of life skills, advocacy and community connecting.
Group Home: A holistic approach is taken in supporting adults within a group home setting where supports and services are provided 24 hours a day. Using the community first philosophy people are empowered and encouraged to interact in their community. Support is given to assist each person to move through their daily lives in the area of personal shopping, medical appointments, grocery shopping, leisure activities, banking, travel and participation in social events.
Family Home: Was developed to offer people who have a developmental disability an opportunity to live as part of a family. The family and the person can experience the enrichment of sharing a home and lifestyle with each other, within the district of West Parry Sound.
Adult Respite: is provided to families that are caring for an adult family member with a developmental disability. Respite allows families to obtain relief from their caregiver role and to promote and maintain the integration of the family unit. Respite services are flexible and responsive to the diverse needs of the family member and the caregiver.
Senior Services:
1. A community participation program which connects people to activities based in the community.
2. Senior Outreach Services – This service supports adults with a developmental disability who have recently moved into, or currently live in a Long Term Care Facility. CLPS provides support to help the person adjust to their new living environment and connect with services being offered within the facility.
Passport Services and Special Services at Home:
Community Living Parry Sound can help you with your direct funding. You can purchase services from Community Living Parry Sound. We charge 10% of the value of your Passport or Special Services at Home funding and for that fee, we will support you using your preferred model of choice. The two choices are outlined below:
-Brokerage Model: Families of people with funding use contract workers to deliver services that they require. To support families who choose this model, Community Living Parry Sound will:
- Provide a list of screened and skilled workers
- Support with all invoicing, budgeting and administrative requirements
- Assist families with service agreements with independent contractors
- We will work with you to develop a service plan for the year
-Staff Model: Agency-managed approach to service delivery. To support people and/or families who choose this model, Community Living Parry Sound will:
- Provide employees who are fully trained, have access to all agency resources and are experienced in supporting people with complex and challenging needs
- Ensure the quality and consistency of support through service oversight and scheduling that’s provided by a Supervisor of Support Services.
- Complete a person-directed plan.